John Craddock Ltd Magazine (General News)

The past few years have seen the popularity of dashcams soar amongst Land Rover enthusiasts which is no real surprise when you look at all the benefits they offer to drivers. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at why you should invest in one today.
Dealing With Car Accidents
Although a dashcam may not be able to prevent an accident, they can certainly make insurance claims a lot easier. With video evidence at your disposal, it makes the whole process of pursuing a claim much simpler and usually speeds up the entire process too. You can also protect your vehicle against unexpected damage when you leave them alone, which in areas without CCTV could be impossible to prove otherwise.
Protect Against Insurance Fraud
Alarming figures provided by insurance company Aviva have revealed organised fraud has been rising by around 21% and more than 50% of fraudulent claims were being made by these gangs. Scams include causing intentional accidents by slamming the brakes on or by flashing motorists out and false injury claims can often follow. A dashcam will be able to provide hard evidence against these kind of scams and potentially save you thousands of pounds.
Capture Your Finest Off-Road Moments
Of course, as well as all the practical benefits a dashcam offers, Land Rover owners can record their finest adventures wherever you are in the world. We’ve seen some truly stunning footage of Land Rovers taking on the toughest of challenges everywhere from Siberia to Morocco and a quick look on Youtube shows just what is possible. And, a dashcam is also the perfect way to document a road trip as they record all the time meaning you won’t miss out on any unexpected treats.
Order Your Dashcam at John Craddock Today
We have a fantastic special offer on right now for this 2.7in auto stop/start dashcam for only £44.50 and this full HD GPS compact 2.0in for only £95.00. Both are fantastic quality and will be on offer for a limited time only so be sure to place your order soon.
We also have a huge range of Land Rover parts and accessories available along with free UK delivery.
If there is anything else you wish to know about our dash cameras or any of our other products, please get in touch with us directly.